Extreme Rainfall Events in India Linked To Man-Made Emissions

Extreme Rainfall Events in India Linked To Man-Made Emissions

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Here is more evidence why we need to worry about climate change. A new study says extreme rainfall events are on the rise in India and attributes the trend to man-made emissions, what scientists call anthropogenic warming.
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Scientists are looking into Fruit Flies to Understand the Biology of Taste

Scientists are looking into Fruit Flies to Understand the Biology of Taste

Have you ever wondered why candies taste so good and pill so bitter? It seems the secret lies in one pair of brain cells.

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UCI stem cell therapy attacks cancer by targeting unique tissue stiffness

A stem cell-based method created by University of California, Irvine scientists can selectively target and kill cancerous tissue while preventing some of the toxic side effects of chemotherapy by treating the disease in a more localized way.

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