Stanford Professor Creates An Artificial Eclipse To Image Extrasolar Planets

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As anyone anticipating this month’s eclipse knows, one way to dim a star is to block it with something else – the moon, perhaps. Or in the case of distant stars whose light masks orbiting exoplanets, a shade-throwing satellite might do.
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Infant MRIs show autism linked to increased cerebrospinal fluid

MRIs show a brain anomaly in nearly 70 percent of babies at high risk of developing the condition who go on to be diagnosed, laying the groundwork for a predictive aid for pediatricians and the search for a potential treatment

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The Taipei Veterans General Hospital-NYMU Research Team’s Regeneration Breakthrough Is Published in “CELL”

Regeneration medicine proceeds a great breakthrough. Through international collaboration with Dr. Cheng-Ming Chuong, an Academician and professor of University of Southern California, and Dr. Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, a professor of National Yang Ming University, Dr. Chih-Chiang Chen, an attending physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, recently demonstrated that plucking a few properly arranged hairs can trigger regeneration of up to 5 times more neighboring, unplucked resting hairs.

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To nap or not to nap, that is the question

There are times in a person’s life when sleeping enough doesn’t seem possible. Most of these times tend to coincide with having to take final exams. So, the question is, when a person is a sleep deprived, should they take a nap, take a break, or power through and keep studying - for the best result?

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Interview with Dr. Kevin Tsai, Alumni of Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Kevin Tsai recently graduated from the Ph.D. program in Bioinformatics at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Prior to graduating, he did contract work with McKinsey & Co. and held positions at Gilead Sciences and Celera.
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