Innocent Bystander or A Culprit Causal Role of Uric Acid on The Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

Innocent Bystander or A Culprit? Causal Role of Uric Acid on Metabolic Syndrome

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Researchers found that uric acid increment may augment the risk of metabolic syndrome through increasing blood pressure and triglyceride levels and lowering HDL-C value but not through accumulating fat or hyperglycemia.
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The Taipei Veterans General Hospital-NYMU Research Team’s Regeneration Breakthrough Is Published in “CELL”

Regeneration medicine proceeds a great breakthrough. Through international collaboration with Dr. Cheng-Ming Chuong, an Academician and professor of University of Southern California, and Dr. Oscar Kuang-Sheng Lee, a professor of National Yang Ming University, Dr. Chih-Chiang Chen, an attending physician at Taipei Veterans General Hospital, recently demonstrated that plucking a few properly arranged hairs can trigger regeneration of up to 5 times more neighboring, unplucked resting hairs.

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