New Computation Model to Help Diagnose Autism

New Computation Model to Help Diagnose Autism

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A research group at the Centre for Neuroscience and the Department of Computer Science and Automation at the Bengaluru-based Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has been studying the issue and has come up with a computational model of eye movement that can predict a person’s ability to detect changes in the visual environment.
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Study to Help Develop Better Treatment for Blood-Related Disorders

A Better Treatment for Blood-Related Disorders

Newer and better treatments could soon be on the anvil for leukemia and other blood-related disorders with researchers developing a new model that could give a better insight into the molecular mechanism behind their development.

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Science Beam – using computer vision to extract PDF data

There’s a vast trove of science out there locked inside the PDF format. From preprints to peer-reviewed literature and historical research, millions of scientific manuscripts today can only be found in a print-era format that is effectively inaccessible to the web of interconnected online services and APIs that are increasingly becoming the digital scaffold of today’s research infrastructure.

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Targeting BDNF in the medial thalamus for the treatment of central poststroke pain in a rodent model

Approximately 7-10% of patients develop a chronic pain syndrome after the stroke. This chronic pain condition is called central poststroke pain (CPSP).

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