A European Startup is revolutionizing Genome Diagnostics through Artificial Intelligence

Diploid is a Leuven-based genomics start-up that aims to revolutionize healthcare by bringing genome diagnostics into daily clinical practice. Peter Schols, CEO of Diploid, founded the company in 2014 out of his passion for both software development and genetics.
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Antibody targeting IL-17B/RB proved effective for pancreatic cancer

Of all battles against cancer, when it comes to the therapeutics for pancreatic cancer, more than ever, it is too little and too late. That is why, when Dr. Wen-Hwa Lee’s team developed an antibody and proved that it can extend the life of lab mice to twice longer than its compared group, the participating scientists are excited, for they have pushed the milestone one step further in finding the therapeutics for pancreatic cancer patients

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