Ten Things You Must Know About the Total Lunar Eclipse on 27th July 2018

Ten Things You Must know about the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse

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The Total Lunar eclipse on the intervening night of July 27 and 28 will last about 103 minutes and be the longest for the 21st century. The longest total lunar eclipse of the last century happened in its last year on July 16, 2000.
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Study of Ancient Eclipses Can Unveil Past Climate Trends

Study of Ancient Eclipses Can Unveil Past Climate Trends

For a long time now, historians have been using epigraphy to infer the political and economic aspect of the past. In recent times, astronomers have come to realize that it can be a potent tool to also understand the history of astronomy as well as for inferring minute changes in the motion of Earth.

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Stanford Professor Creates An Artificial Eclipse To Image Extrasolar Planets

As anyone anticipating this month’s eclipse knows, one way to dim a star is to block it with something else – the moon, perhaps. Or in the case of distant stars whose light masks orbiting exoplanets, a shade-throwing satellite might do.

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