Digital Surveillance to Monitor and Control COVID-19 Spread

Digital Surveillance to Monitor and Control COVID-19 Spread

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The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology and the Institute of Genetics and Integrated Biology, along with a few other institutions, are working for the digital and molecular surveillance of the spread of novel coronavirus to understand the biology, epidemiology and disease impact
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How Indian Telescope Data Helped Solve Mystery of Jets from Colliding Neutron Stars

The enigma of why the merger of two neutron stars resulting in a kilonova explosion was not as bright as it should have been, has been solved by an international team of astronomers using crucial data from the Indian radio telescope, the Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope (GMRT) near Pune.

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Plotcon 2017 – The world’s most visionary conference for data visualization

PLOTCON is the most visionary conference for data visualization in scientific computing, finance, business, and journalism. We bring together scientists, engineers, programmers, web developers, designers, business analysts, and journalists to disseminate best-practices in data visualization and accelerate the bleeding edge of technology.

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Science Beam – using computer vision to extract PDF data

There’s a vast trove of science out there locked inside the PDF format. From preprints to peer-reviewed literature and historical research, millions of scientific manuscripts today can only be found in a print-era format that is effectively inaccessible to the web of interconnected online services and APIs that are increasingly becoming the digital scaffold of today’s research infrastructure.

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A European Startup is revolutionizing Genome Diagnostics through Artificial Intelligence

Diploid is a Leuven-based genomics start-up that aims to revolutionize healthcare by bringing genome diagnostics into daily clinical practice. Peter Schols, CEO of Diploid, founded the company in 2014 out of his passion for both software development and genetics.
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