Gravity of the Blackhole Image - Dr.Kevin Koay and Dr.Shoko Koyama

Gravity of the Blackhole Image – Dr.Kevin Koay and Dr.Shoko Koyama

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What is a black hole? Why could we not image it before? Why is the recent blackhole image important? Is it one of the keys to unraveling the universe? What questions does it answer and inspire? All this and more with Dr.Kevin Koay and Dr.Shoko Koyama on STEMSpeak Podcast
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An Extraordinary Celestial Spiral with a Twist–ALMA adds a new dimension to a Hubble Space Telescope result

An international team of astronomers, led by Dr. Hyosun Kim in Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan), has found a way of deriving the orbital shape of binary stars that have orbital periods too long to be directly measured.

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