PubPeer is an online community that uses the publication of scientific results as an opening for a fruitful discussion…

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PubPeer is an online community that uses the publication of scientific results as an opening for a fruitful discussion…
PubPeer is an online community that uses the publication of scientific results as an opening for a fruitful discussion among scientists. Search for publications and provide feedback and/or start a conversation anonymously.
The site is one of many allowing academics to engage in post-publication peer review. It has served as a whistleblowing platform, in that it highlighted shortcomings in several high-profile papers, in some cases leading to retractions and to accusations of scientific fraud, as noted by Retraction Watch.
Contrary to most platforms, it allows anonymous post-publication commenting, a controversial feature that is the main factor for its success. Consequently, accusations of libel have been leveled at some of PubPeer’s users; correspondingly PubPeer comments are required to use only facts that can be publicly verified.
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