CoCites is a novel search method for finding scientific studies. The method uses citations rather than keywords to…

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CoCites is a novel search method for finding scientific studies. The method uses citations rather than keywords to…
CoCites is a novel search method for finding scientific studies. The method uses citations rather than keywords to search the literature. CoCites assumes that the user knows one or more articles and retrieves all articles that are cited together (co-cited) with these ‘known’ articles. Our pilot studies have shown that articles with a higher co-citation frequency ranking are similar to the ones already known.
By design, the target users of this search method are people who are searching for more articles on a topic of interest. CoCites is most relevant for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and for seeking reviewers and experts for grants, manuscripts, and media interviews. The method can also be used to find out whether an article is a ‘key’ article on a topic and to find synonym keywords.
The CoCites method and the pilot studies are described in ACJW Janssens, M Gwinn. Novel citation-based search method for scientific literature: application to meta-analyses. BMC Med Res Methods 2015;15:84.
Questions about CoCites and the online tool can be addressed to Cecile Janssens, professor of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, USA (
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