This Tool Helps You Build Secure Mobile Apps

Research Stash had a chance to talk to the creators of AppScanOnline and learn what inspired them to build this platform
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This Startup Is Building Blockchain Based Ecosystem to Enhance the Impact of Scientific Research

Scienceroot Is Building Blockchain Based Ecosystem to Enhance the Impact of Scientific Research

In the past few decades “Publish or perish” has become a norm in scientific research. On the other hand, scholarly communication is stunned by commercial publishing companies and so is academia with publishing.

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This Startup Is Creating User Friendly Kits to Teach Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

This Startup Is Creating DIY Kits to Teach Molecular Biology like Coding

We are in the middle of the Biorevolution. Recombinant DNA technology is used to “program cells” to make important things like medicine, industrial products, and food.

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This Seoul Based Nonprofit Wants to Make Scholarly Communication Transparent Using Blockchain Technology

According to National Science Foundation, 4000 new papers are published within the scientific community every day and the number of annual publications has increased from 1 million in 2000 to more than 2 million in 2013.

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This Startup Is Building Small Robots to Teach the Coding Skills for Kids

  • Research Stash
  • Rendezvous
  • 4.3K
According to, A well-rounded S.T.E.M education fosters the creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving skills students need to succeed in school, work, and life. S.T.E.M prepares students for a future where success depends less on what they know and more on what they can do with knowledge.
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A Canadian Genomics Startup Working Towards the Healthier Future

The genomics market is rapidly growing and expected to reach USD 19.99 Billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period of 2015 to 2020. The growth of the overall market has resulted in the increasing number of start-up companies

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This French Startup Is Trying to Redefine the Industry-Academia Collaboration

In the last few decades, scientific research has enormously changed from performing experiments in a single lab to a dynamic collaborative environment with multiple research labs.

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This Taiwan Based Startup is Solving the Healthcare Challenges By Using AI & Cloud Technology

Modern healthcare is moving towards precision medicine rather than traditional one-size-fits-all approach. Recent advancements in technology are making this trend much faster than it was happening.

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A London Based Startup Is Tackling the Indoor Air Pollution With Innovative Material Science

Airlite is a start-up which has developed unique products to tackle the indoor air pollution as well as in the small public areas. They have basically designed a paint which is VOC (Volatile organic compounds) free, made from natural materials and which reduces the air pollution by neutralizing pollutants like nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide. 
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A Story of a Science Researcher Moving Into Industry

As per the OECD survey, US produces at least twice as many Ph.D. graduates compared Germany. According to the data around 67,449 graduated with a Ph.D. in 2014 from the US compared to 28,147 from Germany followed by UK, India, and Japan.

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An Israeli Company is Generating the Water from Air

an Israeli company has developed technology to make the water from the air we breathe. Water-gen is focused on developing innovative technology for water supply and air drying solutions.

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A European Startup is revolutionizing Genome Diagnostics through Artificial Intelligence

Diploid is a Leuven-based genomics start-up that aims to revolutionize healthcare by bringing genome diagnostics into daily clinical practice. Peter Schols, CEO of Diploid, founded the company in 2014 out of his passion for both software development and genetics.

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Interview with Dr. Rita P.Y. Chen, Associate Research Fellow at Academia Sinica

Dr. Rita Chen is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Biological Chemistry (IBC) and is also a TIGP-CBMB faculty member. Dr. Chen was awarded her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Biochemistry at the prestigious University of Cambridge in 1998.
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Interview With Aimazing – A Singapore based Startup Disrupting the Contactless Payment in South East Asia

Financial technology, or most commonly known as FinTech, is a business made up of companies that adopt latest technology and innovation with existing resources in order to contest in the marketplace of traditional financial establishments and mediators in the delivery of financial services.

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Interview with Dr. Kevin Tsai, Alumni of Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Kevin Tsai recently graduated from the Ph.D. program in Bioinformatics at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Prior to graduating, he did contract work with McKinsey & Co. and held positions at Gilead Sciences and Celera.

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