EMBO Global Investigator Network Winners for 2019

EMBO Global Investigator Network Winners for 2019

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European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) selects three Indian scientists for its Global Investigator Network Programme

EMBO has selected the first nine life scientists to join the Global Investigator Network, which was launched this year. These scientists, who are in the early stages of establishing independent laboratories, will receive support from EMBO to access career-enhancing training and networking opportunities.

Three Indian scientists have been selected to join the European Molecular Biology Organization’s (EMBO) recently launched Global Investigator Network Programme that is designed to support life scientists who are in the early stages of establishing independent laboratories, to have access to career-enhancing training and networking opportunities.

The scientists selected are Jyothi Lakshmi Vadassery of National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Dimple Notani of National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, and Santosh Chauhan of Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar.

The Programme covers life scientists who have, within the last six years, started their own laboratory in India and Singapore, which are Associate Member States of European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC) or in Chile and Taiwan, which are covered by a cooperation agreement with it. In all, nine scientists from the four countries have been selected for the Programme this year.

The benefits of the program include training in leadership and research integrity; small grants, for example for making visits to Europe to start or continue collaborations, or for attending or organizing regional or international scientific meetings; and financial support for joint lab meetings and lab retreats, publications or childcare.

The emphasis of the program is on creating a local network of young group leaders and strengthening cross-continental connections with scientists in Europe, in particular, the EMBO Young Investigators and Installation Grantees. To this end, the Global Investigators will be invited to attend the biennial Global Investigator Meeting, together with other members of the EMBO community.

This first group of Global Investigators will begin the program in January 2020 and receive support from EMBO for a total of four years. Applications are accepted annually by 1 June, with the next call opening in March 2020.

Welcoming the first batch of Global Investigators, EMBO Director, Maria Leptin, said, “Through the network, we want to enable these researchers to develop and maintain strong connections with the life science community in Europe and beyond.” (ISW)

Sunderarajan Padmanabhan

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The scientists selected are Jyothi Lakshmi Vadassery of National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Dimple Notani of National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, and Santosh Chauhan of Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar.

The Programme covers life scientists who have, within the last six years, started their own laboratory in India and Singapore, which are Associate Member States of European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC) or in Chile and Taiwan, which are covered by a cooperation agreement with it. In all, nine scientists from the four countries have been selected for the Programme this year.

The benefits of the program include training in leadership and research integrity; small grants, for example for making visits to Europe to start or continue collaborations, or for attending or organizing regional or international scientific meetings; and financial support for joint lab meetings and lab retreats, publications or childcare.

The emphasis of the program is on creating a local network of young group leaders and strengthening cross-continental connections with scientists in Europe, in particular, the EMBO Young Investigators and Installation Grantees. To this end, the Global Investigators will be invited to attend the biennial Global Investigator Meeting, together with other members of the EMBO community.

This first group of Global Investigators will begin the program in January 2020 and receive support from EMBO for a total of four years. Applications are accepted annually by 1 June, with the next call opening in March 2020.

Welcoming the first batch of Global Investigators, EMBO Director, Maria Leptin, said, “Through the network, we want to enable these researchers to develop and maintain strong connections with the life science community in Europe and beyond.” (ISW)

Sunderarajan Padmanabhan

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for the latest Science & Tech news. You can also find us on Twitter & Facebook.

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