The Conundrum of Climate Change - Dr. Pao Kuan Wang

The Conundrum of Climate Change – Dr. Pao Kuan Wang

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Dr. Pao Kuan Wang, Director and Distinguished Research Fellow from the Research Center for Environmental Changes at Academia Sinica tackles the ever-important Climate change debate. He talks about how historical climate prediction is important, how air pollution is measured, how the physical properties of a raindrop can provide more information about cloud formation, how we could deal with global warming by carbon capture methods and more.!1d6ae

Dr. Pao Kuan Wang got his Ph.D. and Master degree in Atmospheric Science from the University of California – Los Angeles and B.S in atmospheric sciences from National Taiwan University.

He is also the member of American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, and the European Geophysical Union.

The goals of the climate research group of RCEC are to develop a climate model suite optimized for climate simulations and projections in Taiwan area, to utilize model simulations and observation data for analysis and diagnostics of climate research, and to provide the simulation data of current climate and future projection to collaborators for scientific studies and to policymakers for future adaptation and mitigation in Taiwan. 

Want to know more about Dr. Pao Kuan Wang’s research? Check out this LINK

Did you miss our previous episode? Listen to it from HERE

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He is also the member of American Meteorological Society, American Geophysical Union, and the European Geophysical Union.

The goals of the climate research group of RCEC are to develop a climate model suite optimized for climate simulations and projections in Taiwan area, to utilize model simulations and observation data for analysis and diagnostics of climate research, and to provide the simulation data of current climate and future projection to collaborators for scientific studies and to policymakers for future adaptation and mitigation in Taiwan. 

Want to know more about Dr. Pao Kuan Wang’s research? Check out this LINK

Did you miss our previous episode? Listen to it from HERE

Let’s be friends 👫👭

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for the latest Science & Tech news. You can also find us on Twitter & Facebook.

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