Economics of Agriculture and Climate Change – Dr. Emily Chang
- Episodes
- 812
Dr. Emily Chang from The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica talks about how agricultural policies are designed based on production efficiency, demand, and supply chains, what are the challenges in measuring climate change and developing sustainable economic policies.!c00ae
About Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
The Institute of Economics was officially established on February 1, 1970, after more than seven years’ preparation. In the early years, the Institute focused its research on domestic issues. Bringing both domestic and international economists together, we undertook a series of research projects based upon economic development in Taiwan, such as “On Current Prices, The Directions and Strategies of Taiwan’s Economic Development, Human Resources, Econometric Modeling of the Taiwanese Economy, Income Distribution, The Development of Taiwan’s Financial Sector”, and so forth.
In addition to empirical studies, recently we have also placed emphasis on theoretical research. Moreover, in order to obtain a global perspective and promote interactions with international scholars, we have been organizing international conferences and sponsoring joint research and exchange programs.
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