Linguistics is the chemistry of language

Evolution of Language – With Dr. Jonathan Evans

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Ever wondered how the ‘Hello’ of the 90s has transformed into “Wassup’ today? Language has undergone a massive shift in tone, texture, formal and informal usage, colloquialism and many more aspects.!0c232

In this edition of STEM101, we dissect the role of technology and communication in the evolution of language with Dr. Jonathan Evans. Dr. Evans from the Institute of Linguistics is an expert on historical phonology and phonetics.

He studies the effects of tone, stress, and accent on Qiang (a Tibeto-Burman language) and its dialects.

If you are interested to know more about his work in Linguistics, visit the following website

Did you miss the previous episode? Listen to Episode 4


He studies the effects of tone, stress, and accent on Qiang (a Tibeto-Burman language) and its dialects.

If you are interested to know more about his work in Linguistics, visit the following website

Did you miss the previous episode? Listen to Episode 4

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USC Stem Cell scientists obtain “how to” guide for producing hair follicles

How does the skin develop follicles and eventually sprout hair? A USC-led study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), addresses this question using insights gleaned from organoids, 3D assemblies of cells possessing rudimentary skin structure and function--including the ability to grow hair.

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ITRI’s Cytotwister Increases Stem Cell Harvest up to 10,000 Percent and Decreases Cost up to 90 Percent over Current Monolayer and 3D Structures

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A London Based Startup Is Tackling the Indoor Air Pollution With Innovative Material Science

Airlite is a start-up which has developed unique products to tackle the indoor air pollution as well as in the small public areas. They have basically designed a paint which is VOC (Volatile organic compounds) free, made from natural materials and which reduces the air pollution by neutralizing pollutants like nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide. 

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