Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Obesity and Diabetes in New Study on Mice

Research Stash Weekly Review #16

Particle Physics Gets the Machine Learning Treatment as Collider Data Multiplies

Particle physics gets the machine learning treatment as collider data multiplies

The volume of data particle physicists have to sort through at the Large Hadron Collider is staggering, and it’s about to increase by an order of magnitude Read More

Scientists Have Found A “Giant Virus” Off The Coast Of Hawaii

The virus TetV is able to replicate inside the algal cell (right panel, scale bar=1 μm), ultimately killing the cell and releasing free virus particles (inset, scale bar 0.2 μm).

Researchers at the Daniel K. Inouye Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) at the University of Hawai’i (UH) at Mānoa have characterized a new, unusually large virus that infects common marine algae Read More IMAGE The virus TetV is able to replicate inside the algal cell (right panel, scale bar=1 μm), ultimately killing the cell and releasing free virus particles (inset, scale bar 0.2 μm). CREDIT Christopher Schvarcz, UH Manoa, SOEST [Reference]

Embryo-like structure synthesized in a lab could help decipher infertility

Embryo-like structure synthesized in a lab could help decipher infertility

Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types. Now, using mouse stem cells instead of the usual sperm and egg, scientists have created a structure like a blastocyst — an early embryo Read More

Scientists Find Another Possible Explanation for Why Hair Goes Gray

Scientists find another possible explanation for why hair goes gray

Scientists think they’ve stumbled upon a newly discovered mechanism that could explain why some people’s hair turns gray and others become afflicted with patches of unpigmented skin, a rare, stigmatized condition called vitiligo Read More [Reference]

Astronomers Spot Helium on Exoplanet for First Time

Astronomers spot helium on exoplanet for first time

A big, puffy planet orbiting a small, bright star in the constellation Virgo is leaking helium into space. It’s the first time astronomers have spotted the element on a planet beyond the Solar System, after more than a decade of searching Read More

Artificial Genome Scientists Want to Build Human Cells That Are Impervious to Viruses

Artificial genome scientists want to build human cells that are impervious to viruses

Two years ago, a consortium of scientists, lawyers, and entrepreneurs announced a plan to synthesize an artificial human genome from scratch—an extremely ambitious endeavor that’s struggled to secure funding Read More [Reference]

Scientists finally confirm that Uranus is surrounded by fart clouds

Scientists finally confirm that Uranus is surrounded by fart clouds

Sometimes science simply confirms what we already know to be true. You know what I’m talking about: researchers will find evidence that losing sleep makes you cranky and bad at your job, that eating lots of vegetables is good for your gut, or that Uranus is surrounded by a noxious fart cloud Read More [Refernce]

Scientists Used Graphene to Make Stronger, Greener Concrete

Scientists Used Graphene to Make Stronger, Greener Concrete

Graphene, the “wonder material” composed of a one-atom-thick sheet of linked carbon atoms, is the world’s strongest manmade material Read More [Reference]

Scientists Have Confirmed a New DNA Structure Inside Human Cells

For the first time, scientists have identified the existence of a new DNA structure never before seen in living cells Read More [Reference]

Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Obesity and Diabetes in New Study on Mice

Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Obesity and Diabetes in New Study on Mice

Sugar may have overtaken fat as enemy number one when it comes to avoiding weight gain and chronic diseases, but a new study has suggested that artificial sweeteners could be linked to diabetes and obesity Read More [Reference]

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Scientists Have Found A “Giant Virus” Off The Coast Of Hawaii

The virus TetV is able to replicate inside the algal cell (right panel, scale bar=1 μm), ultimately killing the cell and releasing free virus particles (inset, scale bar 0.2 μm).

Researchers at the Daniel K. Inouye Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) at the University of Hawai’i (UH) at Mānoa have characterized a new, unusually large virus that infects common marine algae Read More IMAGE The virus TetV is able to replicate inside the algal cell (right panel, scale bar=1 μm), ultimately killing the cell and releasing free virus particles (inset, scale bar 0.2 μm). CREDIT Christopher Schvarcz, UH Manoa, SOEST [Reference]

Embryo-like structure synthesized in a lab could help decipher infertility

Embryo-like structure synthesized in a lab could help decipher infertility

Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types. Now, using mouse stem cells instead of the usual sperm and egg, scientists have created a structure like a blastocyst — an early embryo Read More

Scientists Find Another Possible Explanation for Why Hair Goes Gray

Scientists find another possible explanation for why hair goes gray

Scientists think they’ve stumbled upon a newly discovered mechanism that could explain why some people’s hair turns gray and others become afflicted with patches of unpigmented skin, a rare, stigmatized condition called vitiligo Read More [Reference]

Astronomers Spot Helium on Exoplanet for First Time

Astronomers spot helium on exoplanet for first time

A big, puffy planet orbiting a small, bright star in the constellation Virgo is leaking helium into space. It’s the first time astronomers have spotted the element on a planet beyond the Solar System, after more than a decade of searching Read More

Artificial Genome Scientists Want to Build Human Cells That Are Impervious to Viruses

Artificial genome scientists want to build human cells that are impervious to viruses

Two years ago, a consortium of scientists, lawyers, and entrepreneurs announced a plan to synthesize an artificial human genome from scratch—an extremely ambitious endeavor that’s struggled to secure funding Read More [Reference]

Scientists finally confirm that Uranus is surrounded by fart clouds

Scientists finally confirm that Uranus is surrounded by fart clouds

Sometimes science simply confirms what we already know to be true. You know what I’m talking about: researchers will find evidence that losing sleep makes you cranky and bad at your job, that eating lots of vegetables is good for your gut, or that Uranus is surrounded by a noxious fart cloud Read More [Refernce]

Scientists Used Graphene to Make Stronger, Greener Concrete

Scientists Used Graphene to Make Stronger, Greener Concrete

Graphene, the “wonder material” composed of a one-atom-thick sheet of linked carbon atoms, is the world’s strongest manmade material Read More [Reference]

Scientists Have Confirmed a New DNA Structure Inside Human Cells

For the first time, scientists have identified the existence of a new DNA structure never before seen in living cells Read More [Reference]

Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Obesity and Diabetes in New Study on Mice

Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Obesity and Diabetes in New Study on Mice

Sugar may have overtaken fat as enemy number one when it comes to avoiding weight gain and chronic diseases, but a new study has suggested that artificial sweeteners could be linked to diabetes and obesity Read More [Reference]

For the latest Science, Tech news and conversations, follow Research Stash on TwitterFacebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

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This Taiwan Based Startup is Solving the Healthcare Challenges By Using AI & Cloud Technology

Modern healthcare is moving towards precision medicine rather than traditional one-size-fits-all approach. Recent advancements in technology are making this trend much faster than it was happening.

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Paper-based tuberculosis test could boost diagnoses in developing countries

Diagnosing tuberculosis (TB) early can allow patients to receive the medicine they need and also help prevent the disease from spreading. But in resource-limited areas, equipment requirements and long wait times for results are obstacles to diagnosis and treatment. To tackle this problem, scientists report in ACS Sensors the development of a fast, paper-based tuberculosis test that can be read with a smartphone.

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Human Computer Interface with Dr. Da-Yuan Huang

Human Computer Interface with Dr. Da-Yuan Huang

Dr. Da-Yuan Huang works at the interface of Design and Computer and Electrical engineering to develop novel products for Human-Computer Interface

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