7th Asian Symposium on Plant Lipid-ASPL2017

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Academia Sinica is organizing 7th Asian Symposium on Plant Lipid (ASPL2017). This event will be held at Academia Sinica campus, Taipei, Taiwan from 29th November to 2nd of December 2017.

The symposium covers a wide range of significant topics related to both basic and applied plant lipid research, as well as some recent highlights in the field of general lipid biology beyond the plant field.

Academia Sinica is conveniently located on the eastern side of Taipei city. The conference venue within the campus of Academia Sinica features a spacious lecture hall and an ample hallway for poster sessions. The scientific program covers major topics by invited speakers who are international experts in the field. In addition, a number of short talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts for presentation.

Researchers who are interested in the plant lipid field are all warmly welcome to participate. The program also includes social activities, including a banquet and an optional tour after the end of the scientific program. Taiwan is an exciting travel destination to enjoy its unique and spectacular nature, traditional culture, and tasty cuisine.

This symposium is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, EMBO and Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists.

ASPL 2017 is sponsored by KingLab, GenMall Biotechnology, Molecular Devices, BestGgen and Violet BioScience.

Event Registration



Researchers who are interested in the plant lipid field are all warmly welcome to participate. The program also includes social activities, including a banquet and an optional tour after the end of the scientific program. Taiwan is an exciting travel destination to enjoy its unique and spectacular nature, traditional culture, and tasty cuisine.

This symposium is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, EMBO and Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists.

ASPL 2017 is sponsored by KingLab, GenMall Biotechnology, Molecular Devices, BestGgen and Violet BioScience.

Event Registration


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